Estate Planning for the Long Term Disability Claimant

Estate Planning for the Long Term Disability Claimant


At The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey, we urge our clients who are disabled because of their chronic condition to consider consulting with an estate planning attorney. Why? If you, for example have a chronic illness such as MS, Parkinson’s or even Alzheimer’s, you must have a plan and legal protections in place to protect you. This can include:

1. Designating someone you trust to handle financial matters, if you are unable to manage your own affairs.
2. Selecting someone you trust to make healthcare decisions for you.
3. Communicating your health care wishes via a living will.
4. Have a will.
5. Creating a living trust to manage your assets during your lifetime.

One great resource is a book called “Estate Planning for people with Chronic Conditions or Disability” written by Martin M. Shenkman, who is a both a CPA, MBA and JD. We highly recommend this to assist you with your estate planning needs.

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