Cardiac Case Law – Does the Presumption Apply to a Retired Firefighter?

Cardiac Case Law – Does the Presumption Apply to a Retired Firefighter?


No! In Smith v. City of Miami, 552 So2d. 245 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989), be First District Court of appeal ruled that the First Responder presumptions do not apply to a retired firefighter.

The Court reasoned that a retired fireman did not meet the definition of section 112.191 (1)(b) which requires that a “fireman” be a “duly uniformed firemen.” Since he was retired, he was not a “duly uniformed firemen.”

The lesson here is to consult with an experienced first responder attorney, like Nancy Cavey, so that you don’t retire prematurely and jeopardize your rights to First Responder workers’ compensation benefits.

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