Has Your Claim for Long Term Disability Benefits Been Denied Because You “Did  Not Put Forth Your Best Efforts In Psychological Testing?” | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer

Has Your Claim for Long Term Disability Benefits Been Denied Because You “Did Not Put Forth Your Best Efforts In Psychological Testing?” | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer

Long Term Disability

Long-term disability carriers routinely hire companies such as the Reed Group, to review long-term disability claims. Unfortunately, the Reed Group will use, as a basis for denying claims, an allegation that a psychiatrically disabled person hasn’t put forth their best efforts in neuropsychological testing based on tests of memory validity. The Reed Group will conclude that you haven’t been “cooperating” under the terms of the plan. As a result, your cliaim for long term disability benefits will be denied.

If your claim for long-term disability benefits has been denied or the long term disability carrier wants to send you to a neuropsychiatry examination, contact Florida long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey immediately. Attorney Nancy Cavey has wrriten the book “Robbed of Your Peace of Mind” which explains how the long erm disability insurance company will try to deny your claim for ERISA/long term disability benefits and what you can do to protect yourself.

You can order a free no-obligation copy of this must have book for long term disability applicants and those whose claims have been denied.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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