What is an ERISA Disability Attorney?
Most Long Term Disability policyholders have bought their Long Term Disability policy through their employer. The employer Retirement Income Security Act usually governs these types of policies unless it is church based or municipal plant based.
The ERISA law, unfortunately, is a maze for the uninitiated.
You can submit your initial application for benefits together with supporting documentation including medical records. Most people naively expect that the Long Term Disability carrier will immediately begin the payment of benefits because, after all, their treating physician has said they are unable to work.
Unfortunately, the reality is that most Long Term Disability carriers don’t keep the promise that they made when you bought the policy. If you are applying for Long Term Disability benefits or have been denied, you have 180 in which to prepare an appeal.
This is a complicated process, at Cavey and Barrett, Long Term Disability denied attorney Nancy Cavey gets a copy of your Long Term Disability file, studies it and learns the reasons why Long Term Disability carrier is denying your claim. She will then create a strategy to gather the necessary evidence to prove your entitlement to Long Term Disability benefits.
Most people don’t know that if the appeal is not successful and they have to file a lawsuit in federal court, the judge is only able to review the material in the Long Term Disability carriers file. Obviously, making sure that you have a timely filed an appeal and produced all the documentation that supports your claim is crucial.
An ERISA disability lawyer, such as Nancy Cavey, makes certain that the appeal makes all the medical and legal arguments that support your claim. We develop the medical and vocational information necessary, including statements of witnesses and others.
Long Term Disability denied attorney Nancy Cavey invests the time, effort and expense in developing all the documentation in the ERISA appeal stage to avoid future litigation.
For more information on how Long Term Disability attorney Nancy Cavey can assist you, contact us for an initial evaluation.