Surveillance and Surprise Visits in Your Long Term Disability Claim
Nancy Cavey, national Long Term Disability denied attorney, has written a free consumer guide on the 23 mistakes that you can make in your field visit or statement.
Even after the Long Term Disability carrier starts paying your Long Term Disability benefits they are going to come knocking at your door potentially unannounced. If someone knocks on your door and asks you to verify your signature on documents, asks to come in, or uses any other ruse to get into your house to take a statement, just say no!
Insurance companies are going to conduct surveillance and that’s to be expected. However, they aren’t allowed to trespass on your property and take your statement. If an insurance investigator shows up at your door, say no and ask them to leave. If they refuse, tell them that you are going to be calling the local police and report them for trespassing.
Don’t be picked on! Just say no! For a free copy of guide on the 23 mistakes that you can make called The Smart Long Term Disability Consumer Guide For Preparing For Your Statement and Field Visit, contact Florida Long Term Disability attorney, Nancy Cavey, who can be reached at 727-894-3188. Disability operators are standing by to answer your questions and provide you with a free copy of this essential consumer guide. Contact us today to help with your claim.