New Non-Invasive Treatments for Deep Vein Thrombosis Can Change Your Treatment Options
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can lead to post-thrombotic syndrome, pulmonary embolism, permanent damage to your leg and even death. If your deep vein thrombosis prevents you from working for a long period, you may be able to receive long term disability benefits if you’ve purchased a disability plan from a private insurer or have coverage through your employer.
According to Dr. Bedanthm of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, there are over 600,000 people in the United States each who are hospitalized with deep vein thrombosis and more that 100,000 people die of resulting pulmonary embolism.
Did you know the common risk facts for DVT and prolonged immobility, recent surgery or major injury, hormone therapy, the use of birth control pills, cancer and obesity?
A blood clot can break off as a result of a DVT and travel to the lungs where it can be tracked, blocking your oxygen supply. That can cause heart failure and even death. Tennis star Serena Williams had a pulmonary embolism after being treated for an injury and becoming inactive, it can happen to even superstars.
Deep vein thrombosis is a “chronic condition” and studies have shown that people who have had just one episode of DVT are at significant risk of developing more blood clotting episodes and post thrombotic syndrome.
Post thrombotic syndrome occurs because the clot remains in the leg and that can cause you chronic leg pain, swelling, fatigue, difficulty walking and impact your ability to work.
There are new techniques where blood clot busting drugs are infused directly into the clot using minimally invasive techniques that will distribute the blood within the clot. The clot will dissolve and Dr. Venevedethm explained that there is a device that can “vacuum it out of the vein restoring normal blood flow and resolving symptoms”. “These treatments can completely change the way DPT patients are routinely treated”.
When your DVT or thrombotic syndrome causes you to become disabled, talking to a long term disability attorney is invaluable because it ensures that you get the disability benefits you purchased.
Long term disability insurers don’t make it easy for the disabled to the benefits that they deserve, when a severe medical condition, like dangerous blood clots (DVT), make it impossible for you to work and you have been denied your long term disability benefits, Nancy Cavey, from Cavey and Barrett, can help you cut through the red tape and help you fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States. Contact Cavey and Barrett today at 727-894-3188.