Many Long Term Disability Policies Require that You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits
Many carriers will offer you the assistance of a third party vendor such as Alsup or essentially assist you in receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for companies like these to try to get you to file a Social Security Disability claim based on the wrong condition or a condition that gives you limited coverage under your Long Term Disability policy. However, one of the most important benefits of applying for and receiving Social Security Disability benefits is Medicare eligibility. Not matter how old you are, when the Social Security Administration awards you Social Security Disability benefits, you automatically become eligible for Medicare coverage 24 months after you are found entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program for people age 65 and older. However, it also covers those with disabilities.
Many people make the mistake of accepting the assistance of the Social Security vendor recommended by a Long Term Disability carrier. That’s a mistake! Lawyers such as Nancy Cavey handle both the Social Security Disability aspect and the Long Term Disability aspect of your case; in which you would have one person develop the medical and vocational evidence that will help you get both the Social Security and Long Term Disability benefits you need.
The process of applying for Social Security and Long Term Disability benefits can be time consuming and exhausting. Nancy Cavey has co-authored the consumer guide “Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits,” and “Robbed of Your Peace of Mind.”
If you have questions about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits, your Long Term Disability claim and the receipt of Medicare, you can receive a free evaluation and the answers to your questions by contacting Nancy Cavey at 727-894-3188.