Macular Degeneration and Your Rights to Long Term Disability Benefits
Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD), can effect apart of your eye called the Macula. AMD can make things look blurry or wavy and can even lead to a blind spot in your central vision.
If you have an individual disability policy or group disability policy, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits for the loss of central vision from AMD.
Millions of people over age 50 have vision loss from AMD and as a result are unable to focus on anything right in front of them. Obviously, not being able to focus makes basic tasks difficult or impossible. The loss of central vision can make it difficult or impossible to walk around your house, recognize people, look at a computer, read, write or even drive a car.
If you have lost your vision due to AMD, you should talk to AMD long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey who represents individuals who are St. Petersburg or Tampa residents get the disability benefits that they deserved.
If your claim for long term disability benefits has been denied, contact the Law Offices of Nancy Cavey for a complimentary consultation to learn how you can appeal the denial of your long term disability benefits. Call today at 727.894.3188.