If Chronic Migraines Make it Impossible for You to Work, We Can Explain Your Rights to Long Term Disability Benefits
If a chronic migraine situation results in disability, and you are enrolled in a group or individual long term disability policy, you may qualify to receive lost wages under the long term disability system. Did you know that the ratio of women to men suffering severe pains from migraines is two to one? It is important that you set realistic expectations with your doctor about treatment outcomes. There might not be a cure to your migraine headache and physicians will work with you to find the right treatment regimen that will make you more functional.
If your physician doesn’t think you are able to work because of migraine headaches, and you are enrolled in a group or individual long term disability policy, you should apply for long term disability benefits. Long term disability carriers do not make it easy for migraine sufferers to get long term disability benefits. If you have applied for long term disability benefits and have been denied migraine lost wage disability benefits, Attorney Nancy Cavey can help you cut through the red tape and fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States.
Get Help From Chronic Migraines – Long Term Disability Benefits
Give us a call today at 727-894-3188 to talk with a migraine disability lawyer who may be able to help you win your claim for disability benefits.