I have chronic pain and the long term disability carrier says my pain is not “objective”. Do you have tips on how to prove I have pain so I can win my long term disability case?
I have chronic pain and the long term disability carrier says my pain is not “objective”. Do you have tips on how to prove I have pain so I can win my long term disability case?
Yes! Nancy Cavey. a nationally know long term disabilty claims denied lawyer has written a free consumer guide on completing Activities of Daily Living forms call the Smart LTD Consumer Guide to Filing out Activities of Daily Living forms and Preparing for Your Home Visit.
Hartford, Berkshire and UNUM long term disablity denied lawyer Nancy Cavey also suggests that you look at the website designed for the Pain Comunnity, the American Pain Foundation and their website.
How can you prove you have pain?
1. Write it down and keep a journal. Look at the American Pain Foundation chronic notebook for an example of a pain journal.
2. Have your relatives also keep a journal about your physical problems with concrete specific examples of your problems.
3. Share this with your doctor and make sure it is part of your medical chart that gets sent to the long Term Disability insurance company with your long term disability claim.
is this going to be enough? No, your doctor is going to have to address the objective basis for your pain and confirm that your pain level and functional limitations.
If you have questions about how a long term disabilty looks at chronic pain ERISA disability claims or your claim for long term disability/ERISA benefits has been denied, call Nancy Cavey at 727-894-3188.