Florida’s Shrinking Growth Rate Impacts Disabled Floridians
In a front page article in Sunday, November 30, 2008 edition of the St. Petersburg Times, Marry Ellen Klas and Steve Bosquet pointed out that Florida is reduced growth rate has impacted the State’s ability to balance our budget. Fewer newcomers are moving to the state of Florida.
For years, legislators have relied on population growth to help the state pay its bills and avoid recession instead of addressing fundamental flaws in Florida’s economic system.
Alex Sink, CFO of Florida, was quoted as saying “we are writing checks like crazy and the money isn’t coming in.” Governor Crist and the Florida legislature have addressed the economic crisis by cutting spending, borrowing from cash reserves, reducing state agency budgets and changing the timetable for building roads. Governor Crist is optimistic that the “sun will shine on Florida again” but is open to a special session in January so that legislators can “make deeper budget cuts.”
Governor Crist wants to “shield public schools and health care from more reductions.”
Until the Florida legislature has the courage to address the fundamental structural changes required in Florida’s tax system, all Floridan’s will suffer – even Floridians who are disabled and needed medical care.
Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-894-3188.