FAQs About Cigna Disability Claims
How Does Cigna Short-Term Disability Work?
Do you have short-term disability coverage through Cigna? If so, it is crucial that you understand how your policy works. Short-term disability coverage provides protection and financial security to people who are temporarily disabled due to an illness, injury, or medical condition.
Cigna short-term disability insurance is generally subject to a seven-day elimination period. In effect, this means that a policyholder may qualify for benefits exactly one week after the onset of the condition. In other words, disabilities that last for less than one week are typically not covered by a Cigna short-term disability insurance plan.
With short-term disability coverage, payments depend on several different factors. While policy terms can vary considerably, Cigna short-term disability insurance may cover up to a maximum of 60 percent of an applicant’s weekly gross earnings. Though, some policies only cover 40 percent of a worker’s pre-disability earnings. In addition, most Cigna disability policies usually carry a maximum weekly benefit of $1,000.
What Does Cigna Short-Term Disability Cover?
Short-term disability insurance is a form of wage protection. In order to qualify for financial benefits through Cigna short-term disability policy, a policyholder or beneficiary must be disabled as the result of a covered illness or a covered injury. Cigna’s short-term disability insurance plans may provide coverage for the following:
- Accidental injuries;
- Sickness or illness; and
- Other disabling medical conditions.
In applying for short-term benefits through Cigna, an applicant must provide proof of earnings and continued disability. Cigna defines a disability as a covered injury or illness that makes an applicant unable to perform the material job duties of their regular occupation. Of course, material job duties vary from position-to-position. For this reason, it is sometimes easier to qualify for disability benefits if you have a physically demanding job. In preparing a claim, make sure that you present strong, compelling evidence that clearly demonstrates how a disability/injury/illness prevents you from working on a full-time basis.
How Long Does Cigna Long-Term Disability Last?
The duration of Cigna long-term disability insurance will depend on the specific terms of the policy. As a baseline, Cigna’s long-term disability policies typically provide coverage for at least two years. Though, many of Cigna’s plans cover five years or ten years of benefits. Long-term disability benefits typically always expire when a work reaches retirement age—which is either 65 or 67, depending on the terms of the Cigna disability policies.
Once long-term disability benefits run out, other options might be available. In some cases, it may be advisable for an individual to seek Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Be sure to check the terms of your specific Cigna disability plan to confirm the maximum duration of long-term disability benefits that are available. If your Cigna long-term disability benefits are about to run out, an experienced attorney can help you understand your options for seeking additional financial support.