11 Year Old Stands Up For Justice and Sues Coleman For Horrific Burn Injuries
The American justice system is full of heros and one of them is an 11 year old Trevor Dennis who will take on the Coleman company in a jury trial on Monday. His family was using a Coleman heater when it caused a fire in their tent and he was horrifically burned. Coleman has yet to do stand up and do what is right- what we as Americans are taught to do and that is to take responsibility for our actions.
The “other” American Way to resolve disputes is to have a jury trial and let an impartial panel decide who is at fault for Trevor’s injuries – injuries that have scarred him for lift. In our American system of justice, even an 11-year old can stand up to one of the world’s more powerful companies, Coleman, and hold them accountable and seek fair compensation for their negligence. We only hope that Coleman decides to do what is right and show an 11 year old what responsability is all about!